40 years of Xylos

Xylos Antwerp

40 years of Xylos

This year we celebrate our 40th anniversary and we would like to do so together with you. We expect you on Wednesday, April 24 from 9:30 am for an interesting day full of exciting sessions and networking opportunities.

Each of our business units will host an interactive session on the future of technology and what it can mean for your business. At the booths of our BUs and partners you will discover concrete news.

We close the day with a keynote and a networking reception where we can chat.

All sessions are in Dutch, though we're happy to answer any questions in English or French.

Registrations are closed.

09:30 Reception and registration

10:00 Opening by Patrick Leysen

10:45 Break-out session - The impact of IT overconsumption on our technological health
Critically examine your IT solutions and their impact on the functioning of your business.

11:45 Break-out sessie - Cloud & Data: technology redefined

12:30 Networking lunch

13:45 Break-out session - How the modern workplace transcends technology

14:45 Break-out session - IT therapy: the human factor in tech
The corona crisis profoundly changed the way we work and live together. Is the way we interact with technology in need of transformation?

15:45 Keynote: Unplug to reconnect - Katelijn Nijsmans
From overstimulation to difficulty concentrating or even burnout, the consequences of always being on have a major impact on our productivity. In this keynote, we will discover the 3 forms of deconnection that help you focus (during work) and mentally disconnect from work (outside of work).

17:15 Start networking reception with walking dinner

18:00 Alumni in the spotlight

19:00 Speech by founder Christian Leysen


Xylos Antwerp
Noorderlaan 139
2030 Antwerp

We provide parking around the building.

Registrations are closed.