Excel: Impress with charts

Remote training

Version: Microsoft 365
Duration: 1/2 day (09:00-12:30 or 13:30-17:00)
Price training (excl. VAT) starting at: €725
Number of people: 1-12p


Converting figures into useful charts: that is the subject of this remote training! In 3 hours you will learn all about the different types of charts and how to use them in different contexts. A topic you should not miss if you want to present your information using a clear and attractive method.


Part 1: Introduction

  • What are “High impact” charts
  • Dos & don’ts
  • Which chart to use for what?

Part 2: Creating efficient charts

  • Compiling data correctly
  • Effective charts

Part 3: Making your chart more attractive with PowerPoint

  • Importing charts
  • Effective animations
  • SmartArt

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