Excel: Formulas and functions

Classical courses

Version: Microsoft 365
Duration: 1 day (09:00-17:00)
Price training (excl. VAT) starting at: €1490
Number of people: 1-12p


You know your way around Excel and you know the most popular Excel functions, such as SUM. However, the more complex your Excel tasks become, the more functions you need. These functions are exactly what you’ll learn in our ‘Excel: Formulas and functions’ training. After this training, you’ll no longer need to waste time looking up specific functions by yourself and you’ll be able to use functions and formulas as if you’ve been doing this for ages.


After our training you will:

  • Be able to work smoothly with Excel’s basic functions
  • Be familiar with a great number of date and search functions, logical and information functions, text functions, …
  • Know how to functions integrate in each other (nested function)
  • Know how to break down and understand a nested function

Target Group

Everyone who wants to learn how to use Excel functions and formulas more efficiently.


Good basic Excel knowledge is required.


Part 1 Formulas

  • Entering formulas manually
  • Working with the function wizard
  • Using the help function
  • Absolute and Relative addressing ($)
  • Cell names

Part 2 Basic functions

  • Sum – Min – Max – Count – Counta – Countblank – Round – Average – Roundup – Rounddown …

Part 3 Date and Time Functions

  • Today – Now – Month – Year – Day – Weekday – Networkdays – Eomonth…

Part 4 Logical Functions

  • If – And – Or – Not – Iferror – Ifs – Switch – Let

Part 5 Search Functions

  • Vlookup – Hlookup – Xlookup – Match – Xmatch – Index – Offset – Address – Indirect

Part 6 Text functions

  • Left – Right – Mid – Upper – Lower – Find – Search – Len – Concatenate (&) – TextJoin – Proper – Value – Trim – Replace – Substitute – TextAfter – TextBefore – TextSplit
  • Splitting text easily with Flash Fill

Part 7 Informative functions

  • IsBlank – IsError – IsNumber – IsText

Part 8 Statistical functions

  • SumIf(s) – AverageIf(s) – Countif(s) – Large – Small – Rank.Avg – Rank.Eq

Part 9 Dynamic Array functions

  • Unique – Filter – Sort – SortBy – Sequence
  • Referring to a Spill range via #

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