AI Quick Bites with OASE

Get short and powerful videos tutorials to explore the latest genAI tools like Copilot, ChatGPT, Gemini, etc. on our constantly updated learning platform OASE.
Duration: min. 1 year
Price (excl. VAT): 4,93 EUR per user/month
Number of persons: from 100 users

About AI Quick Bites with OASE

You’ve purchased a few Copilot licenses or see your employees experimenting with AI tools. But where are they getting their information and how are they improving their skills?

Discover OASE, your go-to platform for easy-to-follow, bite-sized tutorial videos. No more endless searching – just instant learning at your pace, without breaking the bank. Dive into the latest genAI tools like Microsoft Copilot, Google Gemini, ChatGPT, and more. Our ever-growing library is packed with fresh content, keeping you ahead of the curve.

What to expect

OASE gives you access to a wide range of videos on AI tools. Through insightful demos, practical examples, and hands-on tutorials, you get the information you need, when you need it. Our content is constantly updated to stay ahead of the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

What is OASE?

OASE provides an all-in-one video platform with over 2,500 tutorials focused on Microsoft 365, designed to quickly improve your digital skills.

These tutorials not only promote efficient use of Microsoft 365, but also help to maximize your ROI on Microsoft 365 licenses and boost user adoption without disrupting workflows.

Users can access these videos anytime, anywhere, and on any device. They can watch them individually or follow a structured learning track to deepen their understanding of various AI techniques and applications related to Microsoft 365.

The target audience

The AI Quick Bites are valuable to any AI-enthusiast who wants to get things done effectively. The AI content on OASE caters to a wide range of audiences, from beginners who want to start their AI journey to seasoned professionals who want to expand their expertise.

Regardless of your background or skill level, OASE is your go-to platform to discover the hands-on possibilities of AI technology.

From AI inspiration to integration

“We are still reluctant to invest in Copilot. How will it help our organization?”

“We have purchased several Copilot licenses, but users do not know how to use the AI assistant to their advantage.”

“How will Copilot make our employees more productive?”

How end users get started with a new technology like Copilot can make or break its implementation. As a Microsoft Copilot Jumpstart Partner, we truly believe in the power of user adoption: teaching people how to use AI and Copilot effectively. Our offering addresses different needs that are relevant today. Our goal: to empower sustainable change in behavior, now and in the future.

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